Hittade lite information från vår nya ordförande i internationella 2.4a förbundet på Facebook.

Fellow 2.4 sailors

The 2017 Worlds at Sneek in the Netherlands is a week behind us now. Great memories of the championship both on and off the water remain and we should make note and thank the Dutch NCA and the Royal Yacht Club Sneek for all their hard work before and during the week to give us a wonderful time both with very professionally run racing but an equally good social program. Conditions were very testing for the sailors and the race committee with conditions varying between extreme winds and difficult seas on the first day, races on one day finishing at around 2200 hours, and calm conditions on the final day precluding racing. The final split of sailors into a gold and silver fleet, was to some extent affected by the first days conditions, but the quality of racing in both fleets was of a very high standard and the class should be very proud of this level of competition. No doubt a review of the week by the elected committees will ensure a high standard is maintained at future events.


Lite smånyheter

Vid årsmötet i Internationella förbundet bestämdes det att VM 2018 arrangeras av GSS i Gävle samt att det troligtvis blir Italien 2019.

Steve Bullmore valdes till ny ordförande.

Resultaten för 2017 har också uppdaterats med några referat från Kieler Woche.


Webmaster Henrik