En reviderad version av OD-regeln är ute på remiss. Alla borde läsa igenom regeln och komma med förslag. Förslagen kan skrivas in som inlägg här på vår hemsida.
Förslag: 2.4ODCR2014 v0.9.2 egm submission
Nedan ser ni det officiella utskicket från Internationella 2.4mR förbundet.
Henrik J
Special General Meeting – International 2.4mR Class Association – Electronic Version (EGM)
Pursuant to the terms of the 2013 Constitution of the International 2.4mR Class Association notice is hereby given of the proposal from the Class Technical Committee to adopt the Norlin One Design Class Rules as attached in full replacement of those adopted at the 2013 AGM.
Under the terms of the 2013 Constitution a 30 day discussion period is invoked which will start on receipt of this email, the 21st February 2014, and end at midnight 23rd March 2014.
This notice is given to all NCAs who should circulate their membership and collate any comments. Each NCA should then forward the comments that they feel are relevant to that country’s position on the rules to the Class Secretary by email on this address within the 30 day period above.
The comments submitted will be viewed by the Class Technical Committee, and provided a further 15 day discussion period is not deemed necessary, a final version of the proposed rules will be forwarded by email to each NCA for a YES/NO vote to be received by email to the Class Secretary no later than midnight on the fifteenth day following receipt of that email.
Steve Bullmore – International 2.4mR Class Secretary
21st February 2014