Ranking 1 avgjord

Årets första rankingsegling avslutades i söndags den 25 maj. Segrare blev Stellan Berlin, på andra plats kom Lekke och trea Hasse. Webmaster kom trea och fick äran att tvinga Stellan att skriva referat medans webmaster körde bilen.

Det var också tillfället för det traditionsenliga träningslägret gick av stapeln, det största fokuset var på startträning, vilket på regattan visade sig helt meningslöst då vi trotts all träning mest tjuvstartade. Det kanske är dags för oss att träna tidtagning eller något liknande….

Gunilla Larson har skrivit lite om sina upplevelser på träningslägret och regattan, tack så mycket.


Referat och result

Results of the Norlin One Design Rules vote on the EGM

‘YES’ votes were recorded for:

UK , Italy, Finland, Norway, Australia, Canada, USA, Netherlands, Sweden

Total votes in favour of the proposal  24 votes

‘NO’ votes were recorded for :


Total votes against the proposal  3 votes

The result then is that the Norlin One Design Rules as proposed are adopted and in force.

Minor typing errors and grammatical errors in the proposed rules are in process of correction and following receipt of the final copy it will be published on the International 2.4mR Class website. The deadline for this is the 21st May but in the meantime the meaning and essence of the rules as submitted for vote are available to you and will not be changed by the correction process.

NCAs are encouraged to submit rule changes both for the Norlin One Design Class and the International 2.4mR Class for consideration at the forthcoming AGM to be held in Toronto on the 28th September 2014. According to the current class constitution submissions for rule changes and nominations for class officer positions should be received well in advance of the 17th August 2014 to allow publication of the AGM papers.

Once the final copy of the Norlin One Design Rules are available your President will send a communication to all NCAs on the practical application of these rules and to refocus the work of both the TC and EC towards the Open International 2.4mR Class for the remaining period of this current working year.

Many thanks to the NCAs who considered and voted in this process.

Steve Bullmore  – secretary International 2.4mR Class