Nu närmar sig sista anmälningsdagen för både Ranking 2 i Gävle och Nordiska Mästarskapet i Ålesund.
Anmälan till Gävle görs här på hemsidan, Anmälan
Gå till Ålesunds Segelförenings hemsida och anmäl er
Preliminary Schedule
The organizing authority has scheduled eight races.
Friday June 5th
15.00-20.00 Registration and Measurements
20.00 Get-together and barbeque at Nørvevika Marina
Saturday June 6th
08:30 Regatta Office open
08.30-10.00 Registration and Measurements
11:00 Race 1 – 4(5)
20:00 Dinner and Prizegiving Daily First at Seilerhytta
Sunday June 7th
08:30 Regatta Office open
11:00 Race 5(6) – 8
Apprx. 16:00 Prize Ceremony at Nørvevika Marina
The organizing authority will offer a limited number of campers and caravans in Nørvevka Marina to accommodation free of charge. For more information on this offer, please contact Mr. Ola Herje; Tel + 47 456 35 770, E-mail:
Other Accommodation
Volsdalen Camping is located just 300 meters from Nørve Vika Marina and offers rental of rooms / cabins.
Thon Hotel Ålesund has an agreement with The Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports and offers sports prices to all participants
For other accommodation options, visit the website of Visit Aalesund.
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